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ASC POS Series

Whether you are in luxury or commodity fashion, whether you are a brand owner, distributor, or manufacturer, ASC POS Series is specifically designed to handle your business needs. It incorporates strong industry-specific functionality and has been successfully implemented in apparel, footwear, and accessory companies for many years. ASC POS Series provides Asia Pacific implementation support with our network of industry-experienced consultants, and is focused on providing a regional-leading solution for the fashion industry, both now and into the future. The core of our fashion solution is the ASC POS Series industry-specific Retail ERP system, which helps to integrate all the activities needed to handle the business of fashion, from supplier to customer, from shop-floor to executive suite. ASC POS Series links Open to Buy planning and Product Life Cycle management to manage all types of operation such as franchising and retailing, and providing the apparel-specific warehouse and distribution management. The solution incorporates most aspects of supply chain management SCM and includes the data bridge interfacing to the third parties system such as financial management system and customer relationship management CRM. ASC POS Series offers value-added integrated functionality beyond the realms of a standard ERP offering. These include advanced planning solutions to enable comprehensive planning and scheduling across the different resources in the supply chain.

  • Provide an integrated industry-based solution delivering visibility across the enterprise;
  • Facilitate management of varied, complex and changing retail;
  • Deliver critical value-added functionality and a committed future platform for growth.

Other modules in the ASC POS Series also include Mobile Applications (both iOS & Android), Procurement Plan Management, Business Intelligence, and so on.

Partial customer list:
天使化粧品國際 Angel Cosmetics International
突破機構  Breakthrough Organization
Callaway Asia
香港明愛 Caritas
Dr. CI:Labo Cosmetics from Japan
Hackett from London
佳寶食品 Kaibo Food Supermarket
玉龍集團  Jade Dragon Group
銀輝電話 Lua Da Prata
Maud Frizon, Paris
MF Jebsen International
媽媽世界孕婦時裝  Mother World
自然美生物科技  Natural Beauty
Point from Japan
威帆電話  Raffle Limited
彩虹集團澳門 Rainbow Group Macau
帆船飲食 Sailing Boat Catering
佳定集團 Savills Guardian
大聯咖啡  Tai Luen Coffee
通利外幣找換  Tony Foreign Exchange
環球模型 Universal Models
華聯汽車零件  Valiant Auto Parts
萬德藥行  Van Duc
和記行集團  Wo Kee Hong Group
富達投資集團  Fidelity Investment Group