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Development Process Outsourcing
Outsourcing with us can achieve more than just cost savings. We can help organizations meet strategic business objectives and effect radical change.

We can help to accelerate cost reductions and cope with increasing demand for the business to improve the speed and quality of IT services by:
  • Understanding the business, proactively defining IT opportunities, and consistently delivering IT results in a timely and cost-effective manner.

  • Partnering with business units to enable strategies and enhance competitive advantage.

  • Searching and selecting the right candidates to form the inhouse core team of software development.
In today's competitive era, the high degree of customer interaction and increased complexity of e-Business systems magnifies the risk of failure associated with web-based applications. e-Business application testers need to cope with such issues as compressed project timelines, frequent application changes, lack of well defined business requirements, increased security concerns and unpredictable user loads. Consequently, e-Business testing assumes a critical role in e-Business application development and maintenance.

We provide the solution to your e-Testing dilemma. Our tool based testing services can help you address the problems faced by your organization. We continuously maintain and enhance the test environment with best-of-breed tools to ensure high quality testing and shortened project timelines.